SOS is a small business ourselves, so we are entirely sensitive to the needs of other small businesses. We know that an expensive CPA is simply not in the budget, but the books still need to get done somehow. SOS does not have the hefty overhead expenses of a large accounting firm. You're not paying for our corporate jet or our Super Bowl commercial. You are paying only for the service that you receive and we feel that's the way it should be.
$150 first hour (average return, 1 hour)
$100 each additional hour
all inclusive- federal, state, local
1-2 hours: $150
3-4 hours: $250
unlimited: $500 (annual)
full setup: $375
partial setup (additional items): $175
reconcile all bank accounts
reconcile all credit card accounts
review payroll (if prepared in-house)
review general ledger
prepare monthly profit and loss statements
review company overall for the 3 months
project shareholder's tax liability
Prepare Quarterly Reports (as needed)
sales tax: $50
payroll reports: $130
quarterly estimate payments: $50
review final general ledger
prepare corporate federal and state tax returns
prepare Individual federal, state and local tax returns
prepare next year estimates
prepare final profit and loss statement
gather client bank statements
gather client check images
gather client credit card statements
obtain client out-of-pocket expenses
auto mileage for business use for the month
enter, reconcile and review client transactions
prepare profit and loss statement for client
all client documents are returned with next month's pickups along with profit and loss statement