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Serving Pittsburgh's working people and small businesses!

It's tax season!  Schedule your free consultation today.

At SOS Bookkeeping, our core belief is that regular working people and small businesses should have a quality, cost-effective alternative to expensive CPA firms.

Why do we think an alternative is needed?  Because, having worked for one of those firms for more than a decade, we've seen the over-billing, the impersonal service, the CPA who spends 10 minutes on someone's work before passing it off to an intern or a trainee (yet still billing a premium rate).  We've seen it all and, the fact is, a working Joe who just wants to get their taxes done or a small business who wants to get their books in order should not have to take out a loan to pay their accountant.

So, what are your options?  You can agonize for hours over complex tax laws and try to figure it out yourself.  You can farm your important accounting out to aunt Jolene who took a tax class in 1986.  Well, now there's another choice and that's SOS.  You'll find our price list right here on the website.  No surprises, no hidden fees. Value your time- put your focus back on your core business and let us deal with the books.

We would be delighted to have the opportunity to discuss what SOS can do for you.  We offer a free, no-obligation, 30 minute consultation at a time and place of your convenience, in which we can also address any immediate accounting questions you may have (still FREE!).  Simply give us a call at 888-292-0791, or fill out the contact form right here on the website to set up an appointment.

In addition to tax preparation for individuals, SOS offers a range of services for businesses.  From basic bookkeeping to quarterly reports to annual reviews, we've got you covered.  We are also a Certified Quickbooks Pro Advisor, so we can set up your Quickbooks system and train you on how to use it.  We believe it's always a good thing for a business owner to have some working knowledge of their own books, even if they are contracting most of the work to a third party.
